Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hola. Me llamo Vasco Núñes de Balboa. Soy un explorador. Yo soy de Jerez de los Caballeros, España. Soy inteligente, ordenado, y muy muy atrevido. No soy impaciente o reservado. Empecé a explorar a los diecisiete años. Yo soy famoso por descubrir el océano Pacifico.

Yo descubrí un océano Pacifico en el trece de Septiembre de 1513. Nosotros encontramos mucho oro y riquezas a la océano Pacifico. Rey Ferdinand de España estuvo muy orgulloso de mí, y él fue feliz. Después de mi descubrimiento, fui muy estimado, y mis amigos estuvieron celosos de mí.

Mi amigo, Dávila, estuvo muy celoso, y fui a cárcel. Después de mi rápido ensayo, fui sentenciado a muerte. En 1519, yo me morí.

“Vasco Núñez de Balboa.” Famous Hispanics in the World and History. 5 Septiembre 2008. <>.


student said...

What i gathered is that this Balboa fellow was an explorer from Spain that came to the Americas in the 1500's. Bacause I'm not very good at reading spanish, I could only pick out certain phrases, but I could tell that this conquistador did something significant.

Spencer L.

student said...

Thank you Aleot for this beutiful knowledge that i would that i would not have been able to gain elswhere!


student said...
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student said...

This explorer man is awesome! People who discover the Pacific Ocean are definitely some of my favorite people. Thank you fro writing about him!

Zach H.

student said...

Lauren B.
This explorer was a very Accomplished man to have founded a colony,and be the first Eurapean to discover the Pacific Ocean.He lived a short life but was very successful! Great choice!

student said...

Vasco de Balboa was quite an explorer to have discovered the Pacific Ocean! This blog is definitely well worth the research.Great job!

Drew G.

student said...

Wow, discovering the Pacific Ocean must have been awesome. Definitely a sense of accomplishment. I couldn't quite read all of it, but it sounds as if his friends were jealous of him. Considering what he did though, I guess that's not suprising. Great post,I enjoyed it!

Daniel B.

student said...

This man is interesting!I actually
could not reaad it that well,but he
discoverd the Pacifc Ocean,right?
Also,17 years being an explorer?
Thats along time!He must have had a
lot of endurence! Nice job!
Emma L.

student said...

woah. very accomplished man. First sailor to discover the pacific ocean!? What an accomplishment! It's dissapointing he wasn't able to enjoy a longer life. Thanks for sharing!!

Dakota E.

student said...

Wow! discovering the pacific ocean is pretty cool. I couldn't read it all very well. But it sounds like he was a interesting explorer.
Good job!

Abigail B.