Sunday, September 7, 2008

José María Morelos

¡Hola! Me llamo José María Morelos. Yo viví en los años 1765- 1815. Soy famoso en México. ¿Sabes por qué? Soy famoso por que yo liberé Morelia, Michoacán. La ciudad es nombrada por mí. Antes de Morelia fuera liberado, fue llamado Valladolid.

Cuando yo era joven, mi famila era pobre. Todos de mis hermanas y mi hermano murieron. ¡Que triste! Trabajé como un chofer de mula hasta que me afilié al ejército.
Luché en el guerra revolucionaria. Yo estaba presente cuando “Sentimientos de la Nación” fue firmado. “Sentimientos de la Nación” declaró la independencia de España para México.

Si tu miras a una billeta de cincuenta pesos, entonces tu verás mi cara. En Morelia, puedes mirar una estatua de mí. Es muy grande y famoso.


student said...

Whoa, he is very famous! Now I want to go see the statue of him. His siblings die and he went off to war? Wow even though he seemed to have a rough life he still did great things. He also looks very tough in his picture too. thanks for sharing about him! He is very interesting! :)

student said...

He's sounds like a cool guy! The picture was great. I have to confess I didn't understand all of it not speaking much spanish myself. But what I understood made his sound like a famous man in Mexico anyway and if he was still alive I might not mind meeting him.

Mona said...

ESTO ES MIA! Gracias, Aleot, por fijarlo para mi. (yo pienso que "fijar" es significa de "to post" en ingles, pero no se.)

student said...

Wow. He was definitely significant. A city was named after him, his family was basically dead, and he still fought in a war. Man, that takes alot. I think he is one to be admired because even through the heartache and hard times he stuck it out. Nicely done and thanks for sharing!


student said...

I bet he's a national hero in Mexoco. I would compare him with Simon Bolivar and George Washington. He had to endure a lot too since a lot of his family died.
Very well researched blog!

Drew G.

student said...

Wow! This guy sounds like he did a lot for his country! He seems to be a rolemodel of some sort. I think he was an interesting character to write abou!
~Brittany B

student said...

This man was quit famous! He was a great man. He went through a lot in his life time and still was very successful. great choice!
Lauren B.

student said...

What a difference he made for his country. From being a mule driver to liberating a whole city is incredible. Getting his face on the five peso bill, getting a statue made for him of him, and having a city named after him shows you that Mexico was extremely thankful for his work and efforts. Great job Mallory(hermana)! I enjoyed it a lot.

student said...

the comment above this one is by Daniel M.

Benjamín said...

Es bueno, Mona. Es muy triste que todos su hermanas y hermano murieran. !Uy! !`El fue muy pobre, luego muy famoso! Hubo estado dif`icil declarar la independencia de Espa~na para Mexico. !Buen trabajo!

student said...

Muy bien Mona! Me gusta tu blog (como se dice 'blog' en espanol?)


student said...
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student said...

¡Mona! José Morelos fue un hombre bueno. ¿Liberó Morelia, Michoacán? Es interesante que la ciudad fue nombrada por él. ¡Uy! Pero es muy triste que todos sus hermanos murieron. *cara triste*
~Alycia Espero

student said...
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student said...

Man what a patriot! able to use the pen and the sword. in the picture in looks like he only has one leg.

Witt W.

Anonymous said...

Cool, He is famous there! So he went to war and having such a hard life. I wish i could be like him.

Anonymous said...

MArrijr is Bryan A